Thursday 26 April 2012

Sustainable fashion

Having to consider climate change in our glob, sustainable fashion can enhance some trends to wear. What is this sustainable fashion trend? It is fashion that has a friendlier side to the environment. According to the May 2007 Vogue Magazine it is said to be a long term trend which is Eco friendly and could last multiple seasons. Many designers have implemented the Eco friendly trend to their fashion and are changing their materials. Rather than producing fashion that won't last or won't have dignity in it designers are incorporating from conventional methods.

Three criteria are primarily used to distinguish the creation of eco-friendly from ordinary fabrics:

Eco fashion

 Green fashion: 7 ways why we should care about sustainable fashion
  • Its better for the earth
The fashion industry leaves behind a huge environmental footprint, from the pesticides used in growing cotton and the leached chemicals from the toxic dyes.
  • Its better for people
 You can be sure it was produced under safe working conditions, it's sweatshop free.
  • Its better for animals
. The same goes for fur and leather anything, and, for vegans, that refusal to take advantage of animals extends as far as not wearing wool or silk.
  • It lasts longer
 Instead of wearing those trendy organic leggings for just one season, invest in classic shapes, chic silhouettes, and foolproof colors that you can flaunt for years to come.
  • Its more personal
The same criteria you keep in mind when buying the food that goes into your body applies to picking out the clothes that will go on it.
  • Its easier (affordable) to take care of your clothes
How you take care of your clothes once you get them home can also make a difference in your wardrobe's environmental impact.
  • Its more than just organic
We've already mentioned local designers and timeless pieces, but sustainable clothing also includes vintage pieces and handmade options.

Thursday 19 April 2012

L'art of fashion

Is fashion art? Thats probably the first question that came to mind when scanning through this blog and one would think what is the relation or some sort of correspondence in the two. The both closely related because of command performances, yes both produced to consider emotion and both inspired.
Many would argue that, it is great, done for money and meet the expectations of the funder.
I have this favourite skirt of mine its traditionally deep blue, loud red, grass green and black. Going more into detail it dominates of African patterns, loud red is the background colour, deep blue are the trimmings around the skirt, black are a sequence of line squares, triangular lines and curve lines all going around. The cut of the skirt is 100% traditional. Art? Fashion?

The gallery of Fashion and Art.

FAFA... Festival for African Fashions and Art
The Festival for African Fashion and Arts (FAFA) was set-up in 2008 during the post-election violence which took place in Kenya. As many countries throughout the region continue to know human rights abuse, civil unrest and war, FAFA aims to change perceptions of other communities one mind at a time by exploring and bridging cultures through fashion, art and music.
Annually FAFA has more than one event in showcasing and exploring their objectives namely the FAFA 2012 finale dubbed "FAFA INSIGHT" will be held June 30, 2012, Fashion For Peace Gala November 17, 2012 and the showcase from May 1-5 2012 in Nairobi.

Simpson wrote about her brother Steve Jobs: This doesn’t change the fact that it’s really good! I’ve never heard fashion and art defined with such wry accuracy.
I just wonder if we can’t make it tighter. Let’s try a little editing exercise.
Mona Simpson’s version:
“Fashion is what seems beautiful now but looks ugly later; art can be ugly at first but it becomes beautiful later.”
What if we tighten as much of it as we can?
“Fashion seems beautiful now but ugly later. Art can be ugly at first but becomes beautiful later.”
What if we get rid of the negative words?
“Fashion seems beautiful now. Art becomes beautiful later.”
It needs a little bit of work for sense. What if we try it this way?
“Fashion is beautiful today. But only art will be beautiful tomorrow.”

Monday 16 April 2012

Can climate change be a fashion disaster?

Africa climate
Fashion and climate are connected than it might seem. We’ve seen some groundbreaking initiatives from Levi Strauss, Vivienne Westwood and the ITC’s work in Africa and Fairtrade and Fairmined gold, but one most vital issue that the industry is yet to courageously tackle is climate change. Furthermore alot of natural fibres such as cotton and wool depend on agriculture and with climate change it makes it much more challenging to keep up with. The level of rainfall and water levels has a great impact on crops such as cotton. The whole glob is affected by the strong hottness and strong coldness, majority of people are getting more confused as to what to wear daily.

Your most pressing style questions answered by Mr Poter

How do I keep warm in my suit in the winter, if I don't want to resort to a coat?
They might be the least exciting item in a man's wardrobe, but an undershirt is an easy, cheap and inconspicuous first step. After that, consider a sleeveless cashmere cardigan, or try a three-piece suit next time. And do look out for suits in heavier fabrics. As well as being warmer they inevitably look better, hang better and last longer.
Having lost enough hair to need to shave what remains, I find my head gets cold - what kind of hat can I wear without embarrassing myself?
We favour a tweed flat cap for the country or at the weekend, a fedora or trilby in the town in winter, and a panama in the summer.
Is there a good alternative to wearing a skiing jacket when it's really cold?
A certain scepticism about artificial fibres is healthy when choosing clothes. Sometimes they are a necessary evil, but normally there is a better natural alternative. If the weather calls for a down jacket, try a sophisticated one in navy wool or grey flannel.
I'm going on a one-week beach holiday. What do I need to pack?
In addition to underwear, socks and what you wear to travel: seven lightweight polo shirts, three pairs of swimming shorts, three or four linen shirts, a pair of chinos, a jacket for the evening, espadrilles or sandals for the beach, loafers for the restaurant and a panama hat. Depending on the pretentions of the hotel, a tie might also be required.
It can be argued that climate change is affecting the glob in more than one way, more particularly in what to wear for different seasons because it is not what it used to be. Critically thinking on a fashion point of view do you think climate change is heading for a fashion disaster? 

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Colour Blocking

Loud, proud and bright
Your rich reds, bright yellows, blues, greens and your orange are all in and back in demand this winter. It has no specific sequence neither does it have any order, you simply just mix and match to complement to standard. When critically analysing shops in style, it is easy to spot that majority of clothing shops even shops who sell matured clothes are complementing bright colours this winter. What is colour blocking?     They reply “Color Blocking is combining different colors that support and complement each other” Are we brave enough to try it? We ask “ If you having trouble blocking colours try complementary colour blocking. Why? Complimentary colours are natural opposites so they work very well together. Wikepedia states that Complementary colours are pairs of colours that are of “opposite” hue in some colour model. The exact hue “complementary” to a given hue depends on the model in question, and perceptually uniform, additive, and subtractive colour models, for example, have differing complements for any given colour. Check out the colour wheel below to reference any colours that would look good blocked together.”

The do’s and don’ts: by Sassy Shoe Gallery

·         DO wear this style with neutral accessories

·         DON’T make your makeup too overwhelming

·         DO wear a lot of black

·         DON’T over do it with colour blocking

Runways now put emphasis more on loud and proud colours.

Colour blocking unique body shapes:

Get to know which type are you and how to wear your rich, loud and proud colours.

·         Apple

·         Pear

·         Triangle

·         Hourglass

·         Rectangle

Many would argue that colour blocking makes one look immature because of too many colours that don’t even match. The question is are we brave enough to try it, view your comments