Friday 5 October 2012

Flawed flawlessly beautiful

The famous lines Beauty is truth, truth beauty', that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know' are taken from the Ode On A Grecian Urn by John Keats. It emphasizes the identity of beauty and truth.

Human life as important as those which arise from the spoken or the written word. Truth and falsehood are qualities that belong to the work of our hands as well as the words of our lips and are often more eloquent to the eye than the words can be to the ears.
They are expressed by our whole personalities, by our characters, by our conduct, by our general talk and conversation in the world. Great truths are often communicated by works of art: literature, sculpture, architecture, painting, films or other effective media understood by humans.
Every portrait painted is either a truth or a lie or a mixture of the two. Its beauty depends on the degree of truth, and honesty depicted in it. It also represents the character of the painter.

Our imperfections make us perfect.
So all humans are flawed? Lie or truth?  

We can never understand beauty as an isolated thing, self-supported or hanging in the air. A thing of beauty always appears in a personal context, conditioned by the person who creates it and for the persons or the era to which it is focused.
In fact, beauty and truth, like arts and sciences, form together a kind of commonwealth in which each serves the rest and is in turn served by them. As we know all knowledge is one-all-comprehensive and well-connected.
Truth is a beautiful operation, a dynamic thing which does its beneficent work in a personal and social context. On the other hand, a lie is an offensive operation performed by one man upon another.

Music is even more powerful in the sense of form and beauty than other arts, as it manifests perfect expression of harmony, and inspires in the audience a new aesthetic perception. The importance of painting and sculpture is hardly less.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Beauty vs ugly in a nut shell

"I think there is beauty in everything. What ‘normal’ people would perceive as ugly, I can usually see something of beauty in it."
— Alexander McQueen

Personally I don't think there is such as ugly in life when it comes to people unless something is just not in their line of what they call beauty. Talking of ugly something that is not pleasant to look up to.

Ever found yourself in these situations? 
  1. Don't talk yourself into an outfit that isn't flattering to your frame. There are only two kinds of clothes in this world. Clothes that flatter you and clothes that don't and avoid the latter regardless of how popular and trendy they are.
  2. It is one thing to go shopping with your girlfriends because that can be very social and enjoyable but keep in mind don't shop with a competitive friend because she will cajole you into buying more and possibly unflattering items weather or not you need it.
  3. If you are shopping for a cocktail (event) dress remember to bring your shoes. That way if you need to have in-store alterations you will be all set.
  4. If you need to power shop remember to bring a list. This can help focus your attention and keep you on task.
  5. Nothing good will come from buying uncomfortable shoes regardless of how fabulous they are.
  6. Don't buy something you don't need because it is a fantastic sale price. I know we have all done this but it is a waste of money and closet space.
  7. Don't buy on impulse. Ask yourself the following questions when deciding if to buy. Do I need this? Does it fit with my lifestyle or wardrobe? Where am I going to wear this? If you are still undecided then put it on hold and if you are still thinking about it at the end of the day -buy it.

No one is perfect, that's true. And it really is the imperfections that make us amazing. I see each person as abstract, a work of priceless art. No one trait that a certain person may have will carry over to another. It's this fact that makes each person so precious and flawlessly beautiful. So does fashion give us the imperfections, of which some they call "ugly" of making mistakes in wearing them or putting them accordingly?