Friday 5 October 2012

Flawed flawlessly beautiful

The famous lines Beauty is truth, truth beauty', that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know' are taken from the Ode On A Grecian Urn by John Keats. It emphasizes the identity of beauty and truth.

Human life as important as those which arise from the spoken or the written word. Truth and falsehood are qualities that belong to the work of our hands as well as the words of our lips and are often more eloquent to the eye than the words can be to the ears.
They are expressed by our whole personalities, by our characters, by our conduct, by our general talk and conversation in the world. Great truths are often communicated by works of art: literature, sculpture, architecture, painting, films or other effective media understood by humans.
Every portrait painted is either a truth or a lie or a mixture of the two. Its beauty depends on the degree of truth, and honesty depicted in it. It also represents the character of the painter.

Our imperfections make us perfect.
So all humans are flawed? Lie or truth?  

We can never understand beauty as an isolated thing, self-supported or hanging in the air. A thing of beauty always appears in a personal context, conditioned by the person who creates it and for the persons or the era to which it is focused.
In fact, beauty and truth, like arts and sciences, form together a kind of commonwealth in which each serves the rest and is in turn served by them. As we know all knowledge is one-all-comprehensive and well-connected.
Truth is a beautiful operation, a dynamic thing which does its beneficent work in a personal and social context. On the other hand, a lie is an offensive operation performed by one man upon another.

Music is even more powerful in the sense of form and beauty than other arts, as it manifests perfect expression of harmony, and inspires in the audience a new aesthetic perception. The importance of painting and sculpture is hardly less.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Beauty vs ugly in a nut shell

"I think there is beauty in everything. What ‘normal’ people would perceive as ugly, I can usually see something of beauty in it."
— Alexander McQueen

Personally I don't think there is such as ugly in life when it comes to people unless something is just not in their line of what they call beauty. Talking of ugly something that is not pleasant to look up to.

Ever found yourself in these situations? 
  1. Don't talk yourself into an outfit that isn't flattering to your frame. There are only two kinds of clothes in this world. Clothes that flatter you and clothes that don't and avoid the latter regardless of how popular and trendy they are.
  2. It is one thing to go shopping with your girlfriends because that can be very social and enjoyable but keep in mind don't shop with a competitive friend because she will cajole you into buying more and possibly unflattering items weather or not you need it.
  3. If you are shopping for a cocktail (event) dress remember to bring your shoes. That way if you need to have in-store alterations you will be all set.
  4. If you need to power shop remember to bring a list. This can help focus your attention and keep you on task.
  5. Nothing good will come from buying uncomfortable shoes regardless of how fabulous they are.
  6. Don't buy something you don't need because it is a fantastic sale price. I know we have all done this but it is a waste of money and closet space.
  7. Don't buy on impulse. Ask yourself the following questions when deciding if to buy. Do I need this? Does it fit with my lifestyle or wardrobe? Where am I going to wear this? If you are still undecided then put it on hold and if you are still thinking about it at the end of the day -buy it.

No one is perfect, that's true. And it really is the imperfections that make us amazing. I see each person as abstract, a work of priceless art. No one trait that a certain person may have will carry over to another. It's this fact that makes each person so precious and flawlessly beautiful. So does fashion give us the imperfections, of which some they call "ugly" of making mistakes in wearing them or putting them accordingly?

Wednesday 26 September 2012

The tourist

Jonny Depp and Angelina Jolie

Great clothes and bad movie. One would argue

Wishing we could get away as much as possible, but while our bank accounts may keep us hostage, our wardrobe never will. Exploring all our city has to offer, and whenever possible capturing the charm and style of cities abroad one picture, plate and purchase at a time. Enjoy our attempts at living together, working together, traveling together and cooking together.

Deal with the Dress Code:
Don't become too casual. I know it's an American method to show up looking like you just rolled out of bed and forgot to comb your hair.
We'd all like to run around in our pajamas all day, right? And I know you're on vacation, but if you show up at the bus for the tour of the French vineyard wearing short shorts and a tight T-shirt, then you're asking for trouble .. ditto for provocative halters and sheer tops. Just think what the ride home will be like after a few glasses of that famous bubbly!

It pays to know the dress code and weather of the locale you choose to visit, especially if it's a foreign country. Do some research and then add a little common sense. You may need to pack something other than your favorite jeans and shorts. Leave the Daisy Dukes at home for your next hayride. Guys, you might want to leave those flowered board shorts and shirts at home, too.

10 travel fashion trip:
1. Jeans
2. A Hooded Top
3. Decent Shoes
4. A Blanket
5. A Lunghi
6. Something Smart
7. String
8. No Iron
9. Don’t Buy Clothes in Tourist Shops
10. Bury Incense in Your Backpack

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Women in heels are more deadly than an elephant

Ever heard of the saying " The size of my shoes don't allow me to chase after boys?"

Elephant in heels by Ryan
How high is high enough

Although high heels are now usually worn only by girls and women, there are shoe designs worn by both genders that have elevated heels, including cowboy boots and cuban heels. In previous ages, men also wore high heels.
 They change the wearer's posture, requiring a more upright carriage and altering the gait in what is considered a seductive fashion
* They make the wearer appear taller.
* They make the legs appear longer.
* They make the foot appear smaller.
* They make the toes appear shorter.
* They make the arches of the feet higher and better defined.
* They may improve the tone of a woman's pelvic floor, thus affecting female incontinence.
* They may help shorter people use items that have been designed for those of a normal height

Going back to the question of shoe size and boys chasing, think about it in this way would a lady of great calibre entertain boys? Let me break it down in this way a lady is a polite term for woman and is equivalent to high social class and/or status. A boy being a young male in his adolescent stage.
Sterotypically why? Turns out our mother was right — ladies shouldn’t make the first move.
So why would you subconsciously sabotage all those efforts through your modern-day attempts at finding true love? This question baffles me daily. I’d like to think that it’s out of sheer naiveté — most girls don’t appear to be in a lucid mental state when they’re throwing themselves at some circus clown off the street and clearly aren’t aware that they are actually driving that poor boy further away. But luckily, you will no longer have to be the victim of such careless ways in love, because we’re going to start doing things the right way — the old-fashioned way! And it starts by not messing with nature

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Go green

In our busy lives, most of us have little time to connect with the great outdoors. The 1st of September we all welcome spring day and growing up we use to plant a tree in celebrating it. On the other side of town they do spring splash were people are getting splashed with water. Nowadays in fashion great evens like fashion runways are happening, namely the Fabiani and Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, which was held in Cape Town on the 8th of August 2012. According to Jerri it was a success.
Eco green

So why go green?
Sustainable clothing uses organic material, cruelty-free sources, recycled materials, and materials that are biodegradable.  A sustainable fashion design should consider the environmental and social impact of its entire life span, from production to disposal.

Sustainable fashion, also called eco fashion, is a part of the growing design philosophy and trend of sustainability, the goal of which is to create a system which can be supported indefinitely in terms of environmentalism and social responsibility. Sustainable fashion is part of the larger trend of sustainable design where a product is created and produced with consideration to the environmental and social impact it may have throughout its total life span, including its "carbon footprint".

7 Reasons why you should care about sustainable fashion 

1. It's Better for the Earth
2. It's Better for People
3. It's Better for Animals
4. It Lasts Longer
5. It's More Personal
6. It's Easier (and Cheaper) to Take Care of Your Clothes
7. It's More Than Just Organic

Why is eco fashion so hot?
Clothes and accessories that meet such criteria are usually made using organic raw materials, such as cotton grown without pesticides, or re-used materials such as recycled plastic from old soda bottles. Eco-fashions don't involve the use of harmful chemicals and bleaches to colour fabrics—and are made by people earning fair wages in healthy working conditions.
One of the highlights of FutureFashion was a stunning pink-and-yellow skirt made from corn fiber by uber-cool Heatherette designer Richie Rich.
“It’s definitely something we’re going to continue toying with,” Rich told reporters. “People often perceive the fashion world as superficial, so it’s great to work with materials that are actually good for the environment. I had my doubts, but when we actually saw the fabric swatches we were blown away. They were gorgeous, and it wasn't hard to design with them.” So go green with a smile this spring because reasons are stated why, should you disagree feel free to comment.  

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Access to air

Summer gear
Entirely, not everyone understands the problems produced by heat waves. If you're fit, healthy, and have access to air-conditioned respite, a heat wave can pass by fairly uneventfully. However, there is a risk for everyone and it's important to be aware both for yourself and for others whom you might be taking care of. Giving off a few tips and educating a little more on heat having difficulties on its own when it comes to dressing and skin, that’s what this blog is all about.

Dress appropriately for indoors. It is vital to remove any heavy clothing and to wear as little as modesty and laws permit! Suitable clothing includes:
  • Loose-fitting, lightweight, light-colored clothing.
  • Natural fabrics (cotton, linen, hemp, etc.)
  • Avoid wearing polyester and flannel as these fabrics will hold in sweat, causing you to stew in the humid air.

Dress appropriately for outdoors. It is important to cover up, always keep this in mind being half naked is not being appropriate and can result to ugly skin due to sun exposure. Still adhering to the loose-fitting, lightweight and natural clothing suggestions in the previous step, cover up as much skin as possible to avoid sunburn.
  • Protect your head and face by wearing a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Consider wearing clothing made of synthetic sports fabrics that are designed to wick away perspiration.
  • Avoid dark colors as these absorb the heat; light colors reflect it.

UV protection function of SPF value in %

For fabrics, always stick to choosing light, natural fabrics. Cotton is best and allows you to breathe. Avoid wool and synthetic plastic fabrics rather synthetic sport fabrics. Also, choose a fabric that is thin and lightweight. Avoid dressing in layers, thats for winter. Looser styles of clothing are best. Too-tight garments cling to your skin and make you warmer and sweaty.

Always remember protecting yourself is key to being appropriate so try not to show too much skin, or you run the risk of being sunburnt. Use a sunscreen with SPF of at least 30. Wear a wide-brimmed hat. Wear
sunglasses, as the UV rays can also damage your eyes.

For foot wear consider wearing open shoes like sandals. Regular shoes and socks will make your feet really sweaty. Investing in one or two good pairs of sandals would work more on your advantage to change or pairing it with some other clothing items you have.

Things You'll Need for summer:
  • Summer clothing (i.e dresses, skrits, shorts, blouses etc)
  • A hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Sandals
  • Sunscreen

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Survivng hot summers

Rumours have been running around that all ladies must have blouses for this coming summer. Speculations have heated up the decks that due to climate change this coming summer it is going to be extremely hot. "With increased solar output, more water evaporates off the oceans and lakes of the world forming more clouds which tend to cool back down the earth’s atmosphere, those clouds this summer not reaching the parched regions."   So why wear blouses? 

Vintage-inspired button blouse, featuring over sized rounded collar with necktie, split sleeve detail with contrast lining and button tabs at shoulders, and darting throughout for flattering fit.
Climate change isn't just about recognising the problem. For Practical Action it’s also about supporting the solutions. Solutions that already exist. Simple, practical actions can help people to minimise the ways in which floods, droughts and extreme weather affect their lives. At Practical Action, we know that small-scale technologies can make a difference. Of which it's just as much as covering our bodies with minimised clothing to prevent too much body heatness, fainting and other diseases. Blouses are a one item clothing which is light in material and it covers for sun blocking to prevent rash but simultaneously also gives air to the body without blocking any fresh air coming. 

Heat pushes the human body beyond its limits and in the case of extreme heat and high humidity, evaporation is slowed and the body has to work extra hard to maintain its normal temperature. Problems occur when a person is over-exposed to heat or overexert themselves. Those most likely to be impacted negatively by excessive, prolonged heat include the elderly, young children, sick persons, and those who are overweight and unfit. It is important to recognise that over-exposure to heat can be fatal. Possible health problems include:

  • Heat cramps – these are muscular pains or spasms that occur as a result of heavy exertion. Although heat cramps are the least severe of heat health problems, they are a warning sign that your body is not coping well with the heat.
  • Heat exhaustion – this occurs typically when people exercise heavily or work in a hot, humid place where bodily fluids are lost through heavy sweating. The blood flow to the skin increases, causing blood flow to decrease to the vital organs. This results in a mild form of shock. If this goes untreated, the victim's condition will worsen, the body temperature will continue to rise, and heat stroke might occur.
  • Heatstroke – the victim's temperature control system which produces sweating to cool the body simply stops working and the body temperature can rise high enough to cause brain damage and death. A victim in this situation needs to be cooled quickly. Note that sun stroke is usually applied as another term for heat stroke.